Our aim to bring together leading academic scientists, researchers and research scholars to exchange and share their experiences and research results on all aspects of Food Science & Technology.
To provide a premier interdisciplinary platform for researchers, practitioners and educators to present and discuss the most recent solutions adopted in the fields of Food Science & Technology.
Abstract Submission Deadline
November 15, 2024
Early Bird Registration
January 13, 2025
Conference Dates
September 04 - 06, 2025
We are pleased to announce that the 2nd International Conference on Graphene and 2D materials (ICG2DM-2025) will be held on July 24-26, 2025, Frankfurt, Germany. The three-day conference will bring together leading scientists, researchers, and professionals from various fields of Graphene and 2D materials, to share their latest findings, exchange ideas, and foster collaborations.
The main goal of the conference is to showcase the advances and challenges in Graphene and 2D Materials, synthesis of Graphene and 2D Materials, Ceramics and Composite Materials and more. The conference will feature plenary and keynote lectures by eminent experts, oral and poster presentations by participants, workshops and exhibitions by sponsors and exhibitors.
We cordially invite you to join us at ICG2DM-2025 and experience the beauty and culture of Frankfurt, one of the most popular tourist destinations in the world. You will have the opportunity to network with your peers, learn from experts, and discover new horizons in Graphene and 2D Materials.
We look forward to welcoming you to Frankfurt
for this exciting and inspiring event in 2025.
Sushma | Conference
University of Tripoli
Hakim S. Abdelgader - is a Full Professor in the Department of Civil Engineering at University of Tripoli, Tripoli, Libya. His research interests include pre-placed aggregate concrete, self-consolidating concrete, concrete with recycled materials, utilization of pozzolanic materials, underwater concreting, concrete durability, and concrete casting in fabric forms. He has authored or co-authored over 80 professional technical papers and reports. He was been involved in organization of several International Conferences and member of Scientific Committees. He is a associate member and voting member of American Concrete Institute (ACI) Committees 221, Aggregates; 237, Self-Consolidating Concrete; 304, Measuring, Mixing, Transporting, and Placing Concrete; 444, Structural Health Monitoring and Instrumentation; and 555, Concrete with Recycled Materials. He is an Editorial Board member of more than five academic Journals. He is reviewer and contributor to American Concrete Institute (ACI), all Elsevier journals related to Construction Materials and Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering (ASCE). Prof. Abdelgader was elected fellow of ACI in 2019. He has been a keynote speaker at several international conferences in North America, Europe, Africa, Middle East, Japan, Iran, and India.
Deputy Director Research and Innovation at Russian Helicopters and Advisory Committee Member at ICAO
Moscow, Russia
Chief Technology Officer
Brainy Solutions
Aug 2020 – Present
Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
Russian Helicopters, JSC
2 yrs 10 mos
Deputy Director Research and Innovation
Oct 2019 – Present
Artificial intelligence in Aerospace industry.
Urban Air Mobility program.
Optionally piloted helicopter
Civil Aviation Portfolio Manager
Jun 2018 – Oct 2019
Moscow, Russian Federation
The International Civil Aviation Organization
Advisory Committee Member
The International Civil Aviation Organization
Mar 2019 – Present
Moscow, Russian Federation
VDB Engineer
Oct 2015 – Dec 2017
Rydalmere, Sydney
Department of Avionics Integration, Training & Simulation
Founder, Chief Executive Officer
Defence3D PTY LTD
Nov 2014 – Nov 2017
United Industrial Defence Corporation
4 yrs 4 mos
Technology Advisor
Aug 2014 – May 2016
Moscow, Russian Federation
UNSW Australia
Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.)Field Of StudyAerospace, Aeronautical and Astronautical/Space Engineering
2012 – 2018
Activities and Societies: UNSW Canberra UAV Team
Systems architecture for autonomous underwater vehicle simulators
University of Ulsan
Mechanical Engineering
2009 – 2010
Activities and Societies: Formula Student
Mechanical workshop at Hyundai Motor Company.
Final project: Development of hybrid vehicle navigation system
Moscow Polytech University
Automation and Control
2004 – 2010
Activities and Societies: Head of robotics Lab "IRS" (Intelligent robotics systems)
Automation and Control, Computer vision, robotics
Nanyang Technological University
Dr. Ng is a professor at the Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. He received his PhD on Engineering from the University of Cambridge. He is a Fellow of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (FASME), FIET (UK), FIETI (HK). He is Editor-in-Chief for 2 ISI-journals which were captured by the JCR within 2-years of their inauguration. Dr. Ng has authored more than 400 publications in various journals and 14 books. His publications reflect his research interests in the field of infrared physics & technology in BME research. He has been recognized internationally for academic excellence. He was awarded the SPRING-Singapore Merit Award for his work in thermal imagers to screen SARS fever as well as contributions to the Singapore Standardization Program.
Dammam University
Saudi Arabia
Dr. ABM Sharif Hossain obtained his Ph.D. in Plant, Nano and Industrial Biotechnology in 2006, Ehime University, Japan. He holds a position as an Associate Professor in the Biotechnology The program, Department of Biology, Faculty of Science, Dammam University KSA. Dr. Hossain has a total of 212 publications including patents, journal papers, 15 books, book chapters. He has more than 50 articles are a web of sciences (ISI), He has a total of 51 Conference abstracts and proceedings. He achieved h-index: 25 and total Google scholar citation: 2356. Dr. Hossain stood the first scientist at Hail University and achieved Vice Chancellor award at Hail University, KSA. Dr. Hossain supervised PhD: 6 (UM, UKM, Malaysia), MSc: 12, Undergraduate: 32 (university of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur and Hail University, KSA) students. He has completed 19 research projects. He is an Editorial member of 10 Journals. In addition, he is an External Examiner for Ph.D. and MSc Thesis of 5 Universities. Dr. Hossain is expertise in Plant Biotechnology, Industrial Biotechnology and Nanobiotechnology (nanomaterials) like nanocellulose and nanostars crystal, nanobiofilm, and nanosensor chip production using cellulose derived from plant biomass resources.
Ceramics for Smart Systems Group
Miguel Ãngel GarcÃa obtained his PhD in Physics in 1999 at the University Complutense of Madrid. He is now permanent scientist at ICV. Previously he worked at Padova University (Italy), Institute for Applied Magnetism (Spain) , Institute for Material Science at Madrid (Spain) and University Complutense of Madrid. He also spent periods as visiting professor at European Synchrotron Radiation Facility (Grenoble, France) and Argonne National Laboratory (USA). His research interest is the measurement and physical properties of nanostructures, mainly nanoparticles and thin films. Most of the work is devoted to the study of surface plasmon resonance and magnetic properties. In the last years the he focused on coupling effect among different properties in hybrid nano-systems containing different elements as magnetic and plasmonic ones. The research work also includes development of instrumentation to combine different types of measurements (electric, optic and magnetic) in single experiments. He is co-author of more than 150 research papers (H=38) and 11 patents, and has been IP of 19 research projects. He has also supervised 3 PhD Theses. He teaches as honorific collaborator at University Complutense of Madrid and University Autonoma of Madrid.
Source Photonics’ Chief Engineer for advanced and next-generation transceiver design
Frank Chang is an expert in photonic IC technologies, optics transceivers, and optical networking. He is currently Source Photonics’ Chief Engineer for advanced and next-generation transceiver design. Previously he served as a Senior Principal Engineer for Optics Interconnect within the CTO Optics Office at Inphi Corporation for over 5 years after over 12 years of service at Vitesse Semiconductors. In addition, he also held various project and management positions with Cisco/Pirelli, and JDS Uniphase, working on the design, development, and commercialization of fiber optics components. Frank recently published the industry-first DCI book entitled “Datacenter Connectivity Technologies: Principles and Practiceâ€. He is a frequent conference speaker, co-authored over 100 plus regular journal and conference papers, and has served in ECOC and OFC technical committees for several years in a row. Frank was the president and now among the board and advisors at Photonics Society of Chinese-Americans (PSC-SC). He is the Industry Forum & Exhibition (IF&E) Chair for Globecom 2015 in San Diego, Globecom 2019 in Hawaii, and now ICC 2024 in Denver with IEEE Communication Society. Frank obtained his Ph.D. degree in Optoelectronics from the Ecole Polytechnique, University of Montreal, Canada for his research thesis on the ultrafast optical generation of 1550nm tunable solid-state lasers. Besides Frank is a senior member of IEEE and OSA Fellow.
BCI Engineer at Grapheton & Augmented Reality Developer at Look Mister
I am a Tufts University graduate with experience in the brain-computer interface, neural prosthetic, and creative technology fields. As a passionate artist, I seek to apply my creative eye in the realm of science and engineering, while employing my knowledge and appreciation of human centered design. Ultimately, I hope to combine the power of art and science in the field of assistive technology, working to empower individuals with physical (dis)abilities.
David Geffen School of Medicine
Dr. Margaret Simonian (MPhil, PhD). Works as a Medical Researcher and Consultant at UCLA, David Geffen School of Medicine, USA. Her research interest focuses on utilizing proteomics and molecular biology in biomarker discovery of diseases and drug development, as well as advancing cancer immunotherapy with proteomics approaches, and Radioproteomics for cancers. Dr Simonian is a Recognised Reviewer for multiple peer reviewed international scientific journals, as well as an associate Editor & Editorial Board member for multiple scientific journals. She is a member of The Human Proteome Project (HPP), by the Human Proteome Organization (HUPO), and served as an Organizing Committee Member for the International Conference on Precision Medicine in 2017 and others
Dr. Francisco Reyes-Madrigal, Psychiatrist, M. Sc. I am a psychiatrist and clinical researcher at the National Institute of Neurology and Neurosurgery in Mexico City. Our work in the Laboratory of Experimental Psychiatry (lead by Dr. Camilo de la Fuente-Sandoval), focus in the study of early phase psychosis using Magnetic Resonance Imaging. We have published papers about the roles of glutamate, glutathione and GABA, inflammatory markers, neurocognitive profile, and EEG procedures in subjects at clinical high risk for psychosis and first episode of psychosis. This work has led us to collaborate with distinguished international research groups from Weill Cornell Medical College, New York State Psychiatric Institute, University of Toronto, McGill University, University of California in San Diego, and the ANDES network in Latin America. My current work is searching for biomarkers to predict response to treatment and conversion to psychosis.
National Institute of Telecommunications(Inatel)
Ramon Maia Borges received the B.Sc. degree in electrical engineering from the National Institute of Telecommunications (Inatel), Brazil, in 2012, the M.Sc. degree in telecommunications from Inatel, Brazil, in 2015, and the Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering from the Federal University of Itajubá (UNIFEI), Brazil, in 2020. He has worked as a Researcher with the Wireless and Optical Convergent Access Laboratory at Inatel, since 2015, acting on R&D Projects as the Radiocommunications Reference Center and Brazil 6G. He is currently a Professor with Inatel. His research interests embrace diverse areas of telecommunications, including 5G and 6G networks, optical-wireless systems and microwave photonics.
Neurosurgery Attending, Dar Alchifae Hospital
Aleppo University, Syria
Dr. Waleed Al Sheikho is a well embolization of brain aneurysm and AVM and works in Damascus Hospital and Dar Al-chifae Hospital . well skilled in emergency neurosurgery operation (brain and spine).During in Damascus Hospital in the Department of Neurosurgery, He performed many operations as a first assistant in the field of benign and malignant brain tumors, and spinal tumors, in addition to treating cerebral aneurysms using surgical clipping.
Chiang Mai University
Dr. Cheepsattayakorn graduated Doctor of Medicine from Mai Medical School, Chiang Mai University, Chiang Mai, Thailand in 1986. He then further had trained in Internal Medicine, Pulmonology, and Radiology at Chiang Mai University Medical School. Recently, on October 26, 2019, he bestowed the the the Gold Award (First-Class Award) from the Chiang Mai Medical School School Alumni Association in Chiang Mai, Thailand for his academic and practice excellence for cerebrating the 60th Anniversary of the Chiang University Medical School, Chiang Mai, Thailand that was established on October 28, 1959. He graduatednumerousFellowships from the Royal Colleges of Physicians Edinburgh, London and Thailand, Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow, American College of Physicians, and American College Chest Physicians. Presently, he serves both Editor and Editorial Board Member, referee of several international journals, and several international conference organizing committees. He has very high experience in the the fields pulmonary diseases and Tuberculosis including Diseases and Immunology. He has numerous scientific publications, more than330 publications both in national and international journals and books, including authored textbook of COVID-19, “ Thailand’s and Global Perspectives of COVID-19 ”, both the United Kingdom version (361 pages, first edition published by the Medical and Research Publications in 2021) andthe United States of America version (367 pages, second edition published by the Science and Education Publishing in 2022).Recently, in 2022, he published a Book Chapter, entitled “ COVID-19 and Respiratory System ” in a Textbook, entitled “ Chest Medicine in Perspective ” published by Thammasat Printing House, Bangkok, Thailand (736 pages). He had been served a Director and Consultant in Respiratory Medicine of the 10th Zonal Tuberculosis and Chest Diseases Center, Chiang Mai, Thailand for a long time, a Director of the 5th Office of Disease Prevention and Control and Consultant in Respiratory Medicine, Ratchaburi, Thailand and presently serves as Consultant in Respiratory Medicine (Pulmonologist) at the 10th Zonal Tuberculosis and Chest Diseases Center, Chiang Mai, Thailand and Senior Expert Level 11 (Highest Level, equivalent to Professor of Medicine Level 11), Department of Disease Control, Ministry of Public Health, Thailand. He serves as Instructor of the Faculty of Medicine Vajira Hospital, Navamindradhiraj University, Bangkok, Thailand and Faculty Member of the Faculty of Medicine, Western University. Currently, he also serves the Regional Adviser (Advisory Board) for Thailand of the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh, United Kingdom and the Reviewer the journals of the Royal College of Physicians of London, United Kingdom. He was appointed the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA)’s Advisor in 2021-2022.He was directly invited & proposed to the World Federation United Nations WFUNA) Membership by the Nations Former Secretary-General “H.E. Ban Ki-Moon”. Recently, he has approved for the Membership of the in the last 4 4 January 2022 (Ref.: UN-467-NYUN) and has appointed the the the WFUNA signed by the UN authorities (the UN Secretary-General, the UN President of the General Assembly, and the President of the Security Council) since January 15, 2022. Nationally, recently, he was the chairman the executive research ethical board committee the health inspection region 4, Thailand Ministry of Public Health since September 5, 2022, and nationally, recently, he was appointed a board director for urban disease control academic planning August 26, 2022.Since March 31, 2023, he has been appointed an executive committee member of the Anti-Tuberculosis Association of Thailand under The Patronage of H.M. The King (Bangkok). Recently, he was appointed the Secretary-General of the Urban Disease Control Foundation, Thailand.
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